Scientific Divisions and Groups

Stored and Cooled Ions

Prof. Dr. K. Blaum

How do molecules form in the cosmos? Why is iron more abundant than gold? How massive is an electron? Does antimatter behave like matter?


Non-Thermal Astrophysics

Prof. Dr. J. Hinton

What are the sites of cosmic particle acceleration? What impact do relativistic particles have on astrophysical systems? What does the Universe look like at the highest energies?


Theoretical Quantum Dynamics and Quantum Electrodynamics

Hon.-Prof. Dr. C. H. Keitel

How does matter interact with intense laser light? What are the effects of very strong fields on the vacuum? Can extreme cosmic processes be simulated in the laboratory?


Particle and Astroparticle Physics

Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. M. Lindner

What happened after the Big Bang? What is hidden behind "Dark Matter" and "Dark Energy"? What is the mass of the neutrinos and how do they transform from one type into another? Are neutrinos their own antiparticles?


Quantum Dynamics&Control

Prof. Dr. T. Pfeifer

When do quantum objects behave as waves or particles? - What is the role of time in quantum systems? - How can chemical reactions be steered by lasers? - What are the properties of highly charged ions?


Division Mertens

Prof. Dr. S. Mertens

How heavy is a neutrino? - Are neutrinos their own antiparticles? - What is dark matter made of?


Independent Research Groups

Emeriti, Max Planck Research Groups, Fellows
