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This page provides the former lectures since 2023 of the "Stored and Cooled Ions" Division.

Lectures 2023

Stored Charged Particles, WS23/24

Prof. Klaus Blaum, Dr. Andreas Mooser

The lecture begins on Wed., 18. October 2023, at 11:00.

There are two hours lecture (Wed. 11:15-12:45, INF 227 / SR 3.404) and one hour tutorial. We start with a preliminary discussion, among others about the course certificate regulations.

NOTE: The lecture will be held in English.

First lecture on Wed., 18.10.2023.

Lecture time: on Wed. 11:15 - 12:45

Lecture place: INF 227 / SR 3.404

Tutorial time: on Wed. 12:45 - 13:30

Tutorial place: INF 227 / SR 3.404

Tutorial classification: online registration closed

Lecture information

Event type: Lecture in study course Master of Science (Physics) / MVSpec: Advanced Lecture on Special Topic (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics)

Field of study resp. study course: Master of Science (Physics)

Contact hours: 3/week

Type of lesson: Lecture: Stored Charged Particles (2 SWS), Tutorial with homework (1 SWS)

Short description (please see also content page): The lecture gives insight into the modern and exciting field of precision experiments with stored and cooled particles. The basics are discussed in detail. Ground state properties of nuclei e.g. spin, charge radius, mass and lifetime are important quantities in atomic and nuclear physics. Stored particles provide an ideal atomphysical approach to the precise determination of these quantities. Thus, cooling and storage methods become more and more important.

Mandatory/advantageous previous knowledge, Target Group: This lecture is intended for both bachelor and master students.

Useful literature: please see literature page

Tutorials or exams: tutorial with homework

Course Certificate-Criterions: at least 50% of the exercises and active participation in the tutorial

ECTS points: 4 ECTS points are granted for the course certificate

Remarks: The lecture material is placed at your disposal on the eLearning platform Moodle. Master and Doctoral Theses can be written about this subject area.

The lecture notes are available online on the eLearning platform Moodle in pdf format:

Moodle Course

I Basics
1. Production of ion and atomic beams
2. Detectors
3. Cooling of charged particles
4. Basics of laser spectroscopy
5. Storage of charged particles in Paul traps and Penning traps
6. Storage of charged particles in storage rings
7. Storage with time-of-flight spectrometers

II Precision experiments
8. Precision mass spectrometry
9. Experiments with antimatter / Standard Model of particle physicss
10. g-factor experiments
11. Molecular and cluster experiments in storage rings

III Future Facilities
12. Future experiments

There is no textbook, which contains all subjects of the lecture. The books and articles, which are listed below, can be used as backup material. In addition, original publications and review articles are quoted in the lecture. If needed, we will place the literature at your disposal.


  • P. K. Ghosh - Ion Traps
    Clarendon Press, Oxford (1995)

  • F.G. Major, V. Gheorge, G. Werth - Charged Particle Traps I
    Springer 2005.

  • G. Werth, V. Gheorge, F.G. Major - Charged Particle Traps II
    Springer 2009.

  • W. Demtröder - Laser spectroscopy
    Springer 1998.

  • H.J. Metcalf, P. van der Straten - Laser Cooling and Trapping
    Springer 1999.

  • F. Hinterberger - Physik der Teilchenbeschleuniger und Ionenoptik
    Springer 2008.

  • K. Wille - The Physics of Particle Accelerators: An Introduction
    Oxford University 2000.


  • K. Blaum - High-accurcay mass spectrometry with stored ions
    Phys. Rep. 425 (2006) 1-78.

  • R. Wester - Radiofrequency multipole traps: tools for spectroscopy and dynamics of cold molecular ions
    Journal of Physic B 42 (2009) 154001.

  • M. Dahan et al. - A new type of electrostatic ion trap for storage of fast ion beams
    Review of Scientific Instruments 69 (1998) 76.

Tutorial Classification

Tutorial time: on Wed. 12:45 - 13:30

Tutorial place: INF 227 / SR 3.404

Tutorial classification: online registration closed

Tutorial Sheets

Day of issue: on Wed. after the lecture, first date: 25 October 2023

Discussion: during the tutorial in the following week. Each student should be prepared to calculate the exercises.

Webpage: the tutorial sheets are available online on the eLearning platform Moodle in pdf format:

Moodle Course

Tutorial certificate

Course Certificate-Criterions: at least 50% of the exercises and active participation in the tutorial

ECTS points: 4 ECTS points are granted for the course certificate

Here are several selected links to experiments refering to the topics discussed in this lecture. The list isn't complete at all and represents only a little selection.

Trap experiments

Mass Measurements on unstable nuclides

Mass Measurements on stable nuclides

Future Facilities

The current lectures and seminars of the division can be found here.