- 11.12.2024, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Stephan Fritzsche; Helmholtz-Institut Jena: Atomic computations for multiply and highly charged ions
- 27.11.2024, 11:15 Uhr, Luca Argenti, University of Central Florida: From atoms to molecules, theory on the heels of attosecond electron dynamics
- 20.11.2024, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Fabian Schmid, ETH Zurich, Switzerland: Quantum control of a single hydrogen molecular ion and stable high-power frequency combs
- 06.11.2024, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Lars von der Wense; Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz: The nuclear optical clock and the NuQuant project
- 10.07.2024, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Arno Ehresmann; Universität Kassel: Towards a full FUV/EUV photon-excitation photon-emission (PhexPhem) map of H2
- 05.06.2024, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Enno Giese, TU Darmstadt: Atom interferometry for tests of fundamental physics
- 22.05.2024, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Simon Stellmer, Universität Bonn: Isotope shift spectroscopy
- 08.05.2024, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Marcus Dahlström, Department of Physics, Lund University: Playing with XUV-dressed atoms: Stabilization, entanglement, triplets, zero areas and other ideas from quantum optics
- 17.04.2024, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Fabian Wolf; QUEST Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology PTB: Quantum logic with molecular ions
- 21.02.2024, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Felix Deschler; Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut Heidelberg: Ultrafast structural dynamics in energy materials
- 07.02.2024, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Edit Mátyus; Institute of Chemistry, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary: The equal-time Bethe-Salpeter equation for two-electron atoms and molecules
- 24.01.2024, 11:15 Uhr, Giulia Mancini, Dipartimento di Fisica - Università degli Studi di Pavia: Multiscale Ultrafast Microscopy across X-ray tabletop and facility-scale sources
- 17.01.2024, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Yonghao Mi, University of Ottawa, Department of Physics: Ultrafast H3+ formation through photoionization of the H2-H2 dimers
- 29.11.2023, 11:15 Uhr, Fabio Novelli, Physical Chemistry II, Ruhr University Bochum: Terahertz and water
- 15.11.2023, 11:15 Uhr, Janko Nauta, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Swansea University, Swansea, UK: Probing antimatter gravity and CPT symmetry with trapped antihydrogen
- 26.07.2023, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Yizhu Zhang, Tianjin University, Tianjin: Terahertz radiation from bi-chromatic strong fields
- 14.06.2023, 11:15 Uhr, Oriol Vendrell, Heidelberg University, Theoretical Chemistry & Molecular Quantum Dynamics: Correlated dynamics of nuclei, electrons, and photons in molecular systems
- 24.05.2023, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. L. Robert Baker, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The Ohio State University: Visualizing Electron Dynamics at Interfaces Using XUV Light
- 19.04.2023, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Gregor Knopp, PSI, Switzerland: X-ray wave mixing: A route from the visible to FEL based all X-ray four-wave mixing experiments
- 01.02.2023, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Anna Skitnevskaya, Irkutsk State University: Nonlocal electronic decay processes: the role of donor-acceptor interactions
- 18.01.2023, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Markus Ilchen, Kassel University and EuXFEL: Approaching Ultrafast Dynamics in Chiral Systems at the Attosecond Frontier
- 07.12.2022, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Margarita Khokhlova, MBI for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy, Berlin: Tools and subjects of ultrafast physics: From highly efficient XUV generation through high-order frequency mixing to chiral steering of free-induction decay
- 09.11.2022, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Evangelos Miliordos, Auburn University: Electronic structure of neutral and charged transition metal mono-oxides: From astrophysics to catalysis
- 02.11.2022, 16:00 Uhr, Dr. Xing Fang, Department of Physics, Harvard University + Center for Fundamental Physics, Northwestern University: An Improved Measurement of the Electron Magnetic Moment
- 06.07.2022, 11:15 Uhr, Viktor Chikán, Ultrafast Dynamics Group, ELI-ALPS: Development of step scan FTVIS experimental methodology at the Extreme Light Infrastructure Attosecond Light Pulse Source (ELI-ALPS) research facility to explore photoinduced chemical reactions in intense terahertz fields
- 29.06.2022, 11:15 Uhr, Henri Vincenti, Theory and Modelling, Université Paris-Saclay: Plasma Mirrors as a Path to The Schwinger Limit
- 22.06.2022, 11:15 Uhr, Caterina Vozzi, Instituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy: High-order harmonic generation (HHG) as a tool for the investigation of ultrafast dynamics in semiconductors: attosecond soft-X spectroscopy and HHG in solids
- 15.06.2022, 11:15 Uhr, Hanieh Fattahi, MPI for the Science of Light: Femtosecond Molecular Fieldoscopy
- 08.06.2022, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Kamal P. Singh, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali: Ultrathin delay lines for attosecond spectroscopy with absolute zero time-delay reference
- 01.06.2022, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Asa Larson, Department of Physics, Stockholm University: Reactive scattering processes involving bound states and ionization continuum in H2
- 04.05.2022, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Fernando Martín, IMDEA Nanoscience & Departamento de Química, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: Imaging attosecond dynamics in molecules: towards attochemistry
- 02.02.2022, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Sven Sturm: Penning trap experiments for fundamental atomic physics
- 15.12.2021, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Michael Lestinsky, GSI: First experiments with CRYRING@ESR
- 19.05.2021, 16:00 Uhr, Dr. Stefano M. Cavaletto, University of California, Irvine: Monitoring molecular coherences by time-resolved x-ray spectroscopy with stochastic free-electron-laser pulses
- 21.04.2021, 16:00 Uhr, Dr. John P. Palastro, Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester, USA: Laser-plasma interactions driven by spatiotemporally structured light pulses
- 10.02.2021, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Andrew Brown, Queen´s University Belfast, School of Mathematics and Physics: Adventures in spin: research at the overlap of attosecond science, atomic physics and high-performance computing
- 03.02.2021, 16:15 Uhr, Prof. Daniel Fischer, Missouri University of Science and Technology: Controlling and analyzing dynamics in atomic few-photon ionization
- 20.01.2021, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Marco Ruberti, Imperial College London, Department of Physics: Theoretical modelling of quantum-coherent many-electron dynamics in attosecond molecular photoionization
- 02.12.2020, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Marc Simon, French National Centre for Scientific Research, Institut de Chimie: Ultrafast dynamics observed via Post Collision Interaction and Double Core Hole Spectroscopy on isolated Atoms and Molecules in the tender x-ray domain
- 18.11.2020, 16:00 Uhr, Dr. Vitaly Yakimenko, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, USA: FACET-II: Science opportunities enabled by beams with extreme intensities
- 24.06.2020, 11:15 Uhr, Sascha Rau, Stored and Cooled Ions Division, MPIK: High-precision Penning trap mass measurements of the deuteron and the HD+ molecular ion
- 05.02.2020, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Hendrik B. Petersen, University Aarhus, Denmark: Atmospheric chemistry of iodine in an rf trap
- 04.12.2019, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Mathieu Gisselbrecht, Synchrotron Radiation Research, Lund University: Controlling photoemission using electron wave-packets Interferences
- 23.10.2019, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Walter Pfeiffer, University of Bielefeld: Attosecond dynamics as a benchmark for our understanding of complex quantum systems
- 24.07.2019, 11:15 Uhr, Sergey Eliseev, Stored and Cooled Ions Division, MPIK: Penning-trap mass spectrometry in fundamental physics
- 10.07.2019, 11:15 Uhr, Daniel Strasser, Institute of Chemistry, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Intense ultrafast laser interaction with atoms, molecules and ions
- 03.07.2019, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Jacek Komasa, University of Poznan, Poland: Energy levels of molecular hydrogen isotopologues
- 19.06.2019, 11:15 Uhr, Giuseppe Sansone, Institute of Physics, University of Freiburg: Attosecond pulses at Free Electron Lasers
- 15.05.2019, 11:15 Uhr, Eric Lutz, Institute for Theoretical Physics I, University of Stuttgart: Irreversibility and the quantum arrow of time
- 08.05.2019, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Anna Soter, PSI Villigen, Switzerland: Cold muonium beam for atomic physics and gravity experiments
- 30.01.2019, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. M. Kappes, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie: Structure and Spectroscopy of Metal Containing Molecular Ions: from Complexes to Clusters
- 23.01.2019, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. A. Surzhykov, TU Braunschweig: Operation of atomic-clock transitions by vortex light
- 16.01.2019, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. J. Mauritsson, Lund University, Sweden: Opto-optical modulation for extreme ultraviolet light pulses
- 05.12.2018, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Yury Suleymanov, The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia: Ring Polymer Molecular Dynamics for Calculating Thermal Chemical Reaction Rates: Theory and Practical Applications
- 14.11.2018, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Robin Golser, AG Isotopenforschung der Universität Wien: Attograms and Zeptomoles - Analysing Nature with Utmost Sensitivity
- 17.10.2018, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Stephanie Roccia, Université Paris Sud (on behalf of the nEDM collaboration): Towards a new measurement of the neutron electric dipole moment at the Paul Scherrer Institute
- 25.07.2018, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Manami Sasaki, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: X-ray Emission of Supernova Remnants
- 04.07.2018, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Yoni Toker, Bar-Ilan University, Israel: Probing the molecular basis for vision with action and ion mobility spectroscopy
- 27.06.2018, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. A. Kheifets, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia: Time Delay in Atomic and Molecular Photo-ionization
- 23.05.2018, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Michael Meyer, European XFEL Hamburg: Electron Dynamics in one- and two-color multi-photon ionization of atoms
- 02.05.2018, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. W. Nörtershäuser, TU Darmstadt: The Multiple Facets of Collinear Laser Spectroscopy: Nuclear Structure, the Hyperfine Puzzle and Metrology
- 31.01.2018, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Tim Salditt, U Göttingen: X-ray holography and tomography of biological matter at the nanoscale
- 17.01.2018, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Peter Lambropoulos, Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, Heraklion, Greece: Manipulating resonances embedded in continua with EM fields
- 29.11.2017, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Stefan Buhmann, U Freiburg: Harnessing the quantum vacuum: from Casimir forces to interatomic Coulomb decay
- 08.11.2017, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Liyi Gu, SRON, Utrecht, Netherlands & RIKEN, Japan: Astrophysical collisional and charge exchange plasmas: codes, database, and observations
- 05.07.2017, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Julian Berengut, U of New South Wales, Sidney, Australia: Uncovering new physics with precision atomic isotope-shift measurements
- 28.06.2017, 11:15 Uhr, PD Dr. Bernd Lohmann, WWU Münster: Tunable entanglement resource in elastic electron-exchange collisions out of chaotic spin systems
- 17.05.2017, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Maurits Haverkort, Universität Heidelberg: What measuring the dynamics of photosystem II model materials and determining the neutrino mass have in common: Dynamics correlations and multiplets in x-ray spectroscopy
- 19.04.2017, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Gereon Niedner-Schatteburg, TU Kaiserslautern: The Hydrated Electron: Achievements and Opportunities
- 08.02.2017, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Vladimir A. Yerokhin, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia: Quantum electrodynamics of the electron g factor in light ions
- 11.01.2017, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. László Veisz, Umeå University, Sweden: Towards nonlinear attosecond physics and relativistic nanophotonics
- 14.12.2016, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Sebastian Gerber, CERN, Geneva: Laser cooling of molecular anions for antimatter gravity experiments
- 30.11.2016, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Dieter Gerlich, TU Chemnitz: Recent progress in cryogenic ion traps: from astrochemistry to catalysts
- 16.11.2016, 11:15 Uhr, PD Dr. Peter Thirolf, LMU München: Direct Detection of the Elusive 229-Thorium Isomer: Milestone Towards a Nuclear Clock
- 06.07.2016, 11:15 Uhr, Elisa Rapisarda / Aldo Antognini (Paul Scherrer Institut Villigen): Muonic atoms and nuclear radii
- 22.06.2016, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Peter Baum (LMU München): Visualizing light-driven electronic and atomic motion in space and time with single-electron diffraction and microscopy
- 08.06.2016, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Gustavo García Gómez-Tejedor (Instituto de Física Fundamental, Madrid): Modelling low energy particle tracks in biologically relevant media
- 18.05.2016, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Jochen Mikosch (MBI Berlin): Molecular Dynamics studied with Intense and Attosecond Fields
- 04.05.2016, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Dmitry Glazov (St. Petersburg): Quantum electrodynamics of highly charged ions and high-precision experiments
- 27.01.2016, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Ingo Barth, MPI für Mikrostrukturphysik, Halle: Ionization dynamics in circularly polarized laser fields
- 02.12.2015, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Alfred Leitenstorfer, Dept. of Physics & Center for Applied Photonics, U Konstanz: Sub-Cycle Quantum Physics
- 18.11.2015, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Kenneth Brown, Georgia Institute of Technology, U S A: Sympathetic and direct laser-cooling of molecular ions
- 11.11.2015, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. U. Uggerhøj, Aarhus University: Strong field electrodynamics experiments
- 04.11.2015, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Henrik Pedersen, Aarhus University: Exploring properties of the water radical ion H$_2O^+$ using ion trapping and photofragmentation imaging
- 28.10.2015, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Alfred Maquet, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris: Attosecond Delays in Resonant Photoionization + Time and Quantum Mechanics
- 22.07.2015, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Savely Karshenboim, MPQ Garching: Proton radius puzzle: the present status
- 02.07.2015, 14:00 Uhr, Armelle Jardin-Blicq (Paul Sabatier Université, Toulouse, France): Study of the gamma emission of the Small Magellanic Cloud : through a better understanding of cosmic rays
- 27.05.2015, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Anastasia Borschevsky, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand: Relativistic coupled cluster: method and applications
- 13.05.2015, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Andrew Brown, Queen's University Belfast, UK: Strong Field Atomic Physics- Get your own wavefunction!
- 29.04.2015, 11:15 Uhr, PD Dr. Wolfgang Quint, GSI Darmstadt: Test of Fundamental Interactions with Ion Trap Experiments
- 15.04.2015, 14:15 Uhr, PD Dr. Thomas Udem, MPQ Garching: Precision Spectroscopy of Atomic Hydrogen and the Proton Size Puzzle
- 04.02.2015, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Nina Rohringer, MPI für Struktur und Dynamik der Materie, Hamburg: Stimulated X-Ray Raman Scattering with Free-Electron Laser Sources
- 28.01.2015, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Stefan Willitsch, U Basel, Switzerland: Cold Molecular Ions in Traps: Applications in Physics and Chemistry
- 10.12.2014, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Sandra Brünken (Universität Köln): Action Spectroscopy in Cryogenic Ion Traps
- 26.11.2014, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Stanislav Tashenov (Physikalisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg): Alignment and polarization phenomena in energetic atomic collisions
- 12.11.2014, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. U. Saalmann, MPI für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden: X-ray driven electron and ion dynamics in atomic and molecular clusters
- 29.10.2014, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Sandro Wimberger, Università di Parma, Italy: Dynamical localization in driven atoms
- 22.10.2014, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Stanislav Tashenov (Physikalisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg): CANCELLED!! Alignment and polarization phenomena in energetic atomic collisions
- 23.07.2014, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Magnus Schlösser, KIT: Raman spectroscopy at the KATRIN experiment for precise neutrino mass measurement
- 09.07.2014, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Stephan Ettenauer, CERN: Antiproton and Antihydrogen Studies at ATRAP
- 25.06.2014, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Manfred Lein, U Hannover: Ionization by strong circularly polarized fields
- 21.05.2014, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Andrey Surzhykov, Helmholtz-Institut Jena: Electron dynamics in strong Coulomb and laser fields
- 23.04.2014, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Xavier Urbain, Univ. Catholique de Louvain: -- Vortrag verlegt auf 7.5.14 --
- 05.02.2014, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Kai Hebeler, TU Darmstadt: New frontiers in nuclear physics: from exotic nuclei to neutron stars
- 22.01.2014, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Christian Ospelkaus, U Hannover: Towards a quantum logic detector for single (anti-)proton magnetic resonance
- 08.01.2014, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. A. Deninger, TOPTICA Photonics AG, Gräfelfing: The Terahertz Wonderland: Opto-Electronic THz Technologies and their Applications
- 11.12.2013, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Thomas Möller, TU Berlin: Imaging clusters and their light induced dynamics with super intense X-ray pulses
- 13.11.2013, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Wesley Walter (Denison University, Granville, USA): Optical spectroscopy on lanthanide anions
- 06.11.2013, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Raimund Feifel, Uppsala University: Single- and Few-Photon Multiple Ionisation of Atoms and Molecules
- 30.10.2013, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Otto Dopfer, TU Berlin: Geometric and electronic structure of silicon- and carbon-containing molecules and clusters with relevance from astrochemistry to materials science
- 03.07.2013, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Lars Madsen, Aarhus University: Tunneling ionization and fragmentation of molecules in strong laser fields
- 12.06.2013, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Holger Gies, U Jena: Recent developments in Schwinger pair production
- 05.06.2013, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Markus Kitzler, TU Wien: Exploring and controlling restructuring and fragmentation reactions in polyatomic molecules
- 22.05.2013, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Stefan Ulmer (CERN): Precision Experiments with Antimatter
- 08.05.2013, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. T. Herbst, MPIA Heidelberg: Reaching for the Stars from the Königstuhl: The MPIA Instrumentation Program
- 06.02.2013, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Lutz Schweikhard, U Greifswald: Storage and Investigation of Atomic Clusters
- 09.01.2013, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Thorsten Schumm, TU Wien: Towards a solid-state optical nuclear clock
- 12.12.2012, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Fernando Martín, UAM, Spain: XUV/X-ray femto- and attosecond laser pulses for ultrafast electronic control in molecules
- 28.11.2012, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Michael Meyer, Europ. XFEL, Hamburg: Multi-photon processes in atomic one- and two-color photoionization
- 25.07.2012, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Frank Herfurth, GSI Darmstadt: Highly charged Ions at Rest - HITRAP and EBITs at GSI
- 11.07.2012, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Olga Smirnova, Max-Born-Institut, Berlin: CANCELLED !!
- 27.06.2012, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Marcus Motzkus, Physikal.-Chem. Inst., U Heidelberg: Nonlinear (micro-)spectroscopy with shaped femtosecond light
- 06.06.2012, 11:15 Uhr, Anke Wagner, MPIK: High-precision measurement of the g-factor of the electron bound in hydrogenlike and lithiumlike silicon
- 23.05.2012, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Joseba Alonso Otamendi, ETH Zürich, Switzerland: Towards ultra-fast quantum control of the motional states of trapped ions
- 09.05.2012, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Wim J. van der Zande, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands: A Talk in two parts: Free Electron Lasers for Far Infrared Experiments in Nijmegen and The role of collisions on light- absorption by oxygen
- 25.04.2012, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Michele Pavanello, Leiden University, The Netherlands: High-accuracy calculations of di- and triatomic molecules including nonadiabatic effects
- 25.01.2012, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. P. Hommelhoff, MPQ Garching: Attosecond and re-collision physics at a metal nanotip
- 11.01.2012, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. A. Volotka, TU Dresden / St. Petersburg: High-precision calculations of hyperfine structure and g factor of heavy Li-like ions
- 07.12.2011, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Stefan Schippers, Universität Gießen: !! CANCELLED due to illness !!
- 23.11.2011, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Herwig Ott, TU Kaiserslautern: The microscopic structure of ultracold quantum gases
- 09.11.2011, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Andreas Osterwalder, EPFL Lausanne: Reaction dynamics of neutral molecules at temperatures around and below 1 K
- 26.10.2011, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Zoltan Harman, MPIK: Relativistic, nuclear and quantum electrodynamic effects in ionic spectra
- 12.10.2011, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Ralf Röhlsberger, DESY: X-ray Quantum Optics with Nuclear Resonances
- 20.07.2011, 11:15 Uhr, Giovanna Morigi, U Saarbrücken: Ion Coulomb crystals: classical and quantum effects at the linear-zigzag transition
- 06.07.2011, 11:15 Uhr, Michael Motsch, ETH Zürich: Multistage Zeeman deceleration of atoms and molecules
- 22.06.2011, 11:15 Uhr, Eleftherios Goulielmakis, MPQ Garching: Attosecond Physics with Field-Synthesized Light
- 01.06.2011, 11:15 Uhr, Harald Friedrich, TU München: Quantum states near the continuum threshold
- 18.05.2011, 11:15 Uhr, Thomas Fennel, U Rostock: Clusters and nanoparticles in strong fields: nanolabs for ultrafast light-matter interactions
- 04.05.2011, 11:15 Uhr, Nina Rohringer, ASG Hamburg: Ultrafast Quantum Optical Processes with X-Ray Free Electron Lasers
- 20.04.2011, 11:15 Uhr, Sven Sturm, U Mainz: The g-factor of hydrogen-like Si: the most stringent test of bound-state QED in strong fields
- 26.01.2011, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Oldrich Novotny (MPIK): Dissociative Recombination of Molecular Ions in Astrophysics
- 12.01.2011, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Joachim Ullrich (MPIK): Imaging clusters, nanocrystals and viruses at Free Electron Lasers
- 15.12.2010, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Henrik Stapelfeldt (Aarhus University): Hold-and-spin or Hold-and-twist
- 01.12.2010, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Thomas Baumert (Universität Kassel): Controlled Ionization via Shaped Light - Fundamentals and Applications
- 17.11.2010, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Rupert Huber (Universitaet Regensburg): Intense electric and magnetic terahertz fields: new light for basic research
- 03.11.2010, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Chris Calvert (Queen's University Belfast): Controlling molecular dynamics and fragmentation with intense femtosecond laser pulses
- 13.10.2010, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Melanie Schnell (Max Planck Advanced Study Group Hamburg): Cold controlled molecules and their dynamics
- 21.07.2010, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Vladimir A. Yerokhin (St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University): QED theory of energy levels and fine structure of light helium-like atoms
- 07.07.2010, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Uwe Thumm (Kansas State University, Manhattan): Time-resolved photo-electron spectroscopy of atoms and surfaces
- 23.06.2010, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Till Jahnke (Universität Frankfurt): Ultrafast energy transfer between water molecules
- 02.06.2010, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Alexandre Gumberidze, GSI Darmstadt: Atomic physics with stored highly-charged ions at the ESR
- 19.05.2010, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Klaus Wendt (U Mainz): Resonance Ionization on Exotic Spezies -- Frumpy Atomic Physics or Up-to-date Quantum Optics ?
- 05.05.2010, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Ulli Eichmann (Max-Born-Institut Berlin): Excitation and acceleration of neutral atoms in strong short-pulse laser fields
- 21.04.2010, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Lukas Gallmann (ETH Zürich): Attosecond strong-field control
- 20.01.2010, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Daniel Rolles, Max Planck Advanced Study Group (CFEL Hamburg): Harder, Brighter, Shorter - First Experiments at the Stanford X-Ray Free Electron Laser
- 16.12.2009, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Bruno Eckhardt (U Marburg): Classical and quantum analysis of multiple ionization in strong laser fields
- 02.12.2009, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Stefan Düsterer (DESY Hamburg): Pump-Probe Experiments at FLASH
- 04.11.2009, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Michael Ruggenthaler (MPI-K): Time-dependent density functional theory for intense laser-matter interaction
- 08.07.2009, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Michael Schulz (Missouri University of Science and Technology): 4-Particle Dalitz Plots: A New Method to Study Fragmentation Dynamics
- 24.06.2009, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Michael Holzscheiter (U of New Mexico / MPI-K): Antiprotons for Cancer Therapy
- 10.06.2009, 11:15 Uhr, W. Noertershaeuser, U Mainz: The nuclear charge radius of Be-11 and recent achievements in high-resolution laser spectroscopy at GSI
- 20.05.2009, 11:15 Uhr, Krzysztof Pachucki (U of Warsaw / currently Mainz): Improved Helium Fine Structure Theory for the Determination of alpha
- 13.05.2009, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Gerhard Paulus, Universitaet Jena: Strong-field ionization at long wavelengths
- 29.04.2009, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Roland Wester, Universitaet Freiburg: Negative ions and their interactions at low energies
- 18.03.2009, 11:15 Uhr, Michael Drewsen, University of Aarhus, Denmark: Experimenting with single ions
- 04.02.2009, 11:15 Uhr, Thomas Halfmann, TU Darmstadt: Optically Driven Atomic Coherences: From the Gas Phase to the Solid State
- 28.01.2009, 11:15 Uhr, Manfred Salmhofer, Inst. fuer Theoret. Physik, U Heidelberg: Functional Renormalization Group for Correlated Fermions
- 14.01.2009, 11:15 Uhr, Deyan Yordanov: Laser spectroscopy at ISOLDE-CERN: Recent results and perspectives
- 17.12.2008, 11:15 Uhr, Magdalena Kowalska: Recent highlights from ISOLTRAP
- 03.12.2008, 11:15 Uhr, Arnaud Bultel: Molecular ion processes in non-equilibrium plasmas: flames and atmospheric re-entry of spacecraft
- 19.11.2008, 11:15 Uhr, Dr. Brett DePaola, Kansas State University, USA: Controlling Coherent Processes by Phase-Shaping Ultrashort Laser Pulses
- 05.11.2008, 11:15 Uhr, Michael Gensch, DESY-Hasylab, Hamburg: THz beamline at FLASH: towards a pump probe user facility
- 22.10.2008, 11:15 Uhr, Vitali Averbukh, MPI f. Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden: Attosecond to picosecond electronic decay processes in multiply ionized clusters
- 16.07.2008, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Helge Knudsen, University of Aarhus, Denmark: SLOW ANTIPROTONS UNRAVEL THE SECRETS OF ATOMIC COLLISIONS
- 09.07.2008, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Jochen Walz, Institut fuer Physik, U Mainz: Fundamental Physics with Antiprotons and Antihydrogen
- 02.07.2008, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Akira Noda (Kyoto University): Present status of the ion storage and cooler ring S-LSR: Approach to 3-dimensional laser cooling and short bunch formation by electron cooling
- 04.06.2008, 11:15 Uhr, Susanne Kreim (Institut fuer Physik, U Mainz): Progress towards a high-precision measurement of the g-factor of a single, isolated (anti)proton in a double Penning trap
- 28.05.2008, 11:15 Uhr, Carsten Brandau (GSI Darmstadt): Dielectronic Recombination of Highly Charged Ions: A Novel Atomic Physics Tool for the Investigation of Nuclear Properties
- 21.05.2008, 11:15 Uhr, Zoltan Harman (MPI-K): Correlated relativistic dynamics and nuclear properties explored by resonant electron recombination
- 07.05.2008, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Friedrich Aumayr (Institut fuer Allgemeine Physik, TU Wien): Surface nanostructures created by irradiation with slow highly charged ions
- 30.04.2008, 11:15 Uhr, Matthias Kling (MPI fuer Quantenoptik, Garching): Attosecond dynamics in molecules and nanostructures
- 23.04.2008, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Ralf Schuetzhold, Universitaet Duisburg-Essen: Tabletop Creation of Entangled Multi-keV Photon Pairs and the Unruh Effect
- 17.04.2008, 11:15 Uhr, H.J. Kluge (GSI): Trapped and Cooled: The HITRAP Facility at GSI for Experiments with Highly Charged Ions
- 05.03.2008, 11:15 Uhr, Kevin Dunseath, Universite de Rennes 1, France: Low-energy electron-atom scattering in an infra-red laser field
- 20.02.2008, 11:15 Uhr, Holger Kollmus, GSI Darmstadt: Heavy Ion Induced Desorption at GSI - A Summary of Experimental and Theoretical Activities
- 23.01.2008, 11:15 Uhr, Christina Dimopoulou (GSI Darmstadt): The NESR of the FAIR project: Accumulation and Deceleration of Highly Charged Rare Isotope Beams for Experiments
- 16.01.2008, 11:15 Uhr, Holger Podlech (Inst. f. Angewandte Phys., U Frankfurt): High Power Linear Accelerators for Nuclear Waste Transmutation, Fusion Material Research and Antiproton-Production
- 05.12.2007, 11:15 Uhr, Szilard Nagy (Institut fuer Physik, Uni Mainz): High-precision mass measurements with highly-charged ions