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Dr. Liss V. Rodriguez

Group leader COLLAPS

Languages    Spanish (native language), English (fluent), French (basic)
Contact  Phone: +41 22 76 72783
Office: 03/1-066 (CERN)
Affiliated Center(s)Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics - CERN

Publication list:  pdf, 220 KB

LIAF: Laboratory for Laser Induced Atomic Fluorescence and ionization.

What are the limits of nuclear existence? How do simple patterns emerge in complex nuclei? Are there new forms of structure far from stability? These are some of the open questions that our group aims to decipher. For that, we will develop high-precision and high-sensitivity laser spectroscopy techniques to push the study of exotic nuclei far from the beta-stability line.

Our research is rooted in the well-stablished technique of collinear laser spectroscopy and involves measuring unique nuclear properties such as nuclear spins, electromagnetic moments, and charge radii from hyperfine structure and isotope shifts in short-lived radioactive nuclei. Our lofty goal is to shed light on the origin of nuclear phenomena and understand the characteristics of nuclear matter at the very edges of its existence.

Sept. 2018 - Oct. 2015Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics, University of Paris-Saclay, Orsay, France.
Dissertation – Laser spectroscopy of tin across N = 82
Jul. 2012 - Sept. 2007Licenciado (bac +5) in Nuclear Physics, Higher Institute of Applied Technologies
and Sciencies, InSTEC, Havana, Cuba, First Class Honours.
Dissertation – Design of an experimental system for Cross Section’s measurement of
Fluorescence X Rays using secondary target
Jul. 2007 - Sept. 2004Bachelor, Vocational Pre-University Institute of Exact Sciences , Matanzas, Cuba.
- Sept. 2023W2 position at the Max-Planck Society, Individual research group at the Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics - LIAF group (CERN based).
Sept. 2027 - Dec. 2022Group leader position at the Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics.
Dec. 2022 - Oct. 2020CERN Research Fellow, Experimental Physics Department, Geneva, CERN.
Sept. 2020 - Oct. 2018Research Associate (Fellow) from the Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics based at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.
Sept. 2018 - Oct. 2015Doctoral Contract, CNRS, Institut de Physique Nucléaire d’Orsay, Orsay, France.
Oct. 2015 - Sept. 2014Instructor Professor, InSTEC, Havana, Cuba.
General Physics, Mathematics and Computational Department.
• Mechanics
• Electromagnetism
Jul. 2014 - Sept. 2012Scientific Reserve (Teaching Assistant), InSTEC, Havana, Cuba.
Nuclear Physics Department.
• Classical Mechanics
• Quantum Mechanics
Jul. 2012 - Sept. 2010Assistant Student, InSTEC, Havana, Cuba.
Assistantship at the Nuclear Physics Department.
• Classical Mechanics
• Quantum Mechanics
Dec. 2020Fellowship at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva,
Dec. 2017Conference Award for the Best Poster. ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting.
CERN, Switzerland.
Oct. 2017Conference Award for the Best Poster. 20th Colloque GANIL. Amboise, France.
Oct. 2015Grant founded by the French Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). Three years of
a doctoral contract. France.
Jul. 2012First Class Honours. Mention "Título de Oro". InSTEC, Havana, Cuba. 
2018 - nowLocal supervisor of 3 PhD students and 3 undergraduate students.
- 2024Member of the Jyväskylä Program Advisory Committee
- Sept. 2018Local team leader of the COLLAPS experiment at CERN.
- Sept. 2020Member of the local organization committee of the ISOLDE Workshop
Oct. 2022 - Sept. 2020Organizer of the ISOLDE Seminar series
- Spokesperson for CERN ISOLDE Experiment : High-resolution laser spectroscopy
of thallium isotopes.
- Co-spokesperson for CERN ISOLDE LoI: Laser spectroscopy of neutron-deficient
thulium isotopes.
- Spokesperson for CERN ISOLDE Experiment IS701: High-resolution laser spectroscopy
of “magic” lead isotopes.
- Spokesperson for CERN ISOLDE Experiment IS667: Laser spectroscopy of neutronrich
tellurium isotopes.
- Co-spokesperson for CERN ISOLDE LoI INTC-I-232: Collinear laser spectroscopy of
selenium isotopes.

IT: Invited talk, OC: Oral Contribution, PC: Poster Contribution 

 - Turkish Physical Society 40th International Physics Congress (TPS-40), Bodrum Turkey (IT)
- International Conference Merger of the Poznan Meeting on Lasers and Trapping Devices in Atomic Nuclei Research and the International Conference on Laser Probing, PLATAN 2024, Jyvaskyla Finland. Tutorial speaker (IT)
- EURORIB 2024, Limburg Belgium (IT)
- V International Conference on Nuclear Structure and Dynamics NSD2024, Valencia Spain (IT)
- 2nd edition of the @FlipPhysics workshop, Valencia Spain (IT)
- Astrophysical internal workshop, MPIK Germany (IT)
- DPG Spring Meeting, Giessen Germany. Plenary speaker (IT)
- DESIR workshop, Caen France (IT)
2023- 4th International Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science (ARIS), Avignon France (IT)
- EMMI Workshop and International Workshop XLIX on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations, Hirschegg Austria (IT)
- 52nd Arbeitstreffen Kernphysik, Schlechinger Bürgerhaus (IT)
2022- 19th International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Related Topics (EMIS), Daejeon (IT)
- Colloquium of Collaborative Research Center (SFB 1245) “Nuclei: From Fundamental Interactions to Structure and Stars”, Germany (IT)
2021- ISOLDE Workshop and Users meeting 2021, CERN, Switzerland. (IT)
- DPG-Tagung (DPG Meeting) of the Matter and Cosmos Section (SMuK), Germany. (IT)
- 3rd International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions and their Applications. Brasov, Romania. (IT)
- International Workshop "Shapes and Dynamics of Atomic Nuclei: Contemporary Aspects" (SDANCA-21), Sofia, Bulgaria. (IT)
2020- 84th Annual Conference of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting. Bonn, Germany. (IT)
2018- NUSTAR Annual Meeting. GSI Darmstadt, Germany. (OC)
2017- ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting. CERN, Switzerland. (PC)
- 20th Colloque GANIL. Amboise, France. (PC)
- XXII International School on Nuclear Physics and Applications. Varna, Bulgaria. (OC)
- Journée des doctorants de IPN, Orsay, France. (OC)
2016- Ecole Joliot Curie: Origin of Nuclei in the Universe. Port-Barcares, France. (PC)
- Journée des doctorants de IPN, Orsay, France. (OC)
2014- XIII Simposio de la Sociedad Cubana de Física. Havana, Cuba. (PC)
2013- 3rd School at the XIV Workshop on Nuclear Physics (WONP). Havana, Cuba. (PC)
2011- XIII Workshop on Nuclear Physics (WONP). Havana, Cuba (PC)
- 2nd School at the XIII Workshop on Nuclear Physics (WONP). Havana, Cuba. (PC) 
8Nuclear charge radii of germanium isotopes around N = 40

S.J. Wang, A. Kanellakopoulos, X.F. Yang, S.W. Bai, J. Billowes, M.L. Bissell, K. Blaum, B. Cheal, C.S. Devlin, R.F. Garcia Ruiz, J.Z. Han, H. Heylen, S. Kaufmann, K. König, Á. Koszorús, S. Lechner, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, W. Nazarewicz, R. Neugart, G. Neyens, W. Nörtershäuser, T. Ratajczyk, P.-G. Reinhard, L. V. Rodríguez, S. Sels, L. Xie, Z.Y. Xu, D.T. Yordanov, and Y.M. Yu
Physics Letters B 856, 138867 (2024)

7Electromagnetic moments of the odd-mass nickel isotopes 59−67Ni

P. Müller, S. Kaufmann, T. Miyagi, J. Billowes, M.L. Bissell, K. Blaum, B. Cheal, R.F. Garcia Ruiz, W. Gins, C. Gorges, H. Heylen, A. Kanellakopoulos, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, R. Neugart, G. Neyens, W. Nörtershäuser, T. Ratajczyk, L. V. Rodríguez, R. Sánchez, S. Sailer, A. Schwenk, L. Wehner, C. Wraith, L. Xie, Z.Y. Xu, X.F. Yang, and D.T. Yordanov
Physics Letters B 854, 138737 (2024)

6Electromagnetic moments of the antimony isotopes 112−133Sb

S. Lechner, T. Miyagi, Z.Y. Xu, M.L. Bissell, K. Blaum, B. Cheal, C.S. Devlin, R.F. Garcia Ruiz, J.S.M. Ginges, H. Heylen, J.D. Holt, P. Imgram, A. Kanellakopoulos, Á. Koszorús, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, R. Neugart, G. Neyens, W. Nörtershäuser, P. Plattner, L. V. Rodríguez, G. Sanamyan, S.R. Stroberg, Y. Utsuno, X.F. Yang, and D.T. Yordanov
Physics Letters B 847, 138278 (2023)

5Nuclear Charge Radius of 26mAl and Its Implication for Vud in the Quark Mixing Matrix

P. Plattner, E. Wood, L. Al Ayoubi, O. Beliuskina, M. L. Bissell, K. Blaum, P. Campbell, B. Cheal, R. P. de Groote, C. S. Devlin, T. Eronen, L. Filippin, R. F. Garcia Ruiz, Z. Ge, S. Geldhof, W. Gins, M. Godefroid, H. Heylen, M. Hukkanen, P. Imgram, A. Jaries, A. Jokinen, A. Kanellakopoulos, A. Kankainen, S. Kaufmann, K. König, Á. Koszorús, S. Kujanpää, S. Lechner, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, †P. Müller, R. Mathieson, I. Moore, W. Nörtershäuser, D. Nesterenko, R. Neugart, G. Neyens, A. Ortiz-Cortes, H. Penttilä, I. Pohjalainen, A. Raggio, M. Reponen, S. Rinta-Antila, L. V. Rodríguez, J. Romero, R. Sánchez, F. Sommer, M. Stryjczyk, V. Virtanen, L. Xie, Z. Y. Xu, ... and D. T. Yordanov
Physical Review Letters 131, 222502 (2023)

4Electromagnetic moments of scandium isotopes and N = 28 isotones in the distinctive 0f7/2 orbit

S. W. Bai, Á. Koszorús, B. S. Hu, X. F. Yang, J. Billowes, C. L. Binnersley, M. L. Bissell, K. Blaum, P. Campbell, B. Cheal, T. E. Cocolios, R. P. de Groote, C. S. Devlin, K. T. Flanagan, R. F. G. Ruiz, H. Heylen, J. D. Holt, A. Kanellakopoulos, J. Krämer, V. Lagaki, B. Maaß, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, T. Miyagi, R. Neugart, G. Neyens, W. Nörtershäuser, L. V. Rodríguez, F. Sommer, A. R. Vernon, S. J. Wang, X. B. Wang, S. G. Wilkins, Z. Y. Xu, and C. X. Yuan
Physics Letters B 829, 137064 (2022)

3High-resolution laser spectroscopy of 27-32Al

H. Heylen, C. S. Devlin, W. Gins, M. L. Bissell, K. Blaum, B. Cheal, L. Filippin, R. F. Garcia Ruiz, M. Godefroid, C. Gorges, J. D. Holt, A. Kanellakopoulos, S. Kaufmann, Á. Koszorús, K. König, S. Malbrunot-Ettanauer, T. Miyagi, R. Neugart, G. Neyens, W. Nörtershäuser, R. Sánchez, F. Sommer, L. V. Rodríguez, L. Xie, Z. Y. Xu, X. F. Yang, and D. T. Yordanov
Physical Review C 103, 014318 (2021)

2Structural trends in atomic nuclei from laser spectroscopy of tin

D. T. Yordanov, L. V. Rodríguez, D. L. Balabanski, J. Bieroń, M. L. Bissell, K. Blaum, B. Cheal, J. Ekman, G. Gaigalas, R. F. G. Ruiz, G. Georgiev, W. Gins, M. R. Godefroid, C. Gorges, Z. Harman, H. Heylen, P. Jönsson, A. Kanellakopoulos, S. Kaufmann, C. H. Keitel, V. Lagaki, S. Lechner, B. Maaß, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, W. Nazarewicz, R. Neugart, G. Neyens, W. Nörtershäuser, N. S. Oreshkina, A. Papoulia, P. Pyykkö, P. Reinhard, S. Sailer, R. Sánchez, S. Schiffmann, S. Schmidt, L. Wehner, C. Wraith, L. Xie, Z. Xu, and X. Yang
Communications Physics 3, 107 (2020)

1Instrumentation for high-resolution laser spectroscopy at the ALTO radioactive-beam facility

D. T. Yordanov, D. Atanasov, M. L. Bissell, S. Franchoo, G. Georgiev, A. Kanellakopoulos, S. Lechner, E. M. Ramirez, D. Nichita, L. V. Rodríguez, and A. Said
Journal of Instrumentation 15, P06004 (2020)