Theory Division
Theoretical Quantum Dynamics and Quantum Electrodynamics

top row: Aleksandr Boitsov, Michael Quin, Konstantin Beyer, Chunhai Lyu, Tobias Podszus, Jörg Evers, Miriam Gerharz, Bastian Sikora, André Gontijo Campos, Vladimir Zaytsev, Igor Valuev, Lorie Turco
middle row: Pei-Lun He, Zheng Gong, Matteo Tamburini, Sreya Banerjee, Suvam Singh, Antonino Di Piazza, Junhee Lee, Ales Stejskal, Christoph Keitel, Eugen Dizer, Samuele Montefiori, Ze-an Peng
bottom row: Qingzheng Lyu, Giulio Audagnotto, Natalia Oreshkina, Zoltán Harman, Sibel Babacan, Lukas Wolff, Vladimir Yerokhin, Karen Hatsagortysan, Zewen Sun
Fields of research

At the turn of the year, Honorarprofessor Dr. Christoph H. Keitel on a rotational basis took over the Institute management of MPIK. This is his second…
A slingshot for electrons in astrophysical plasma shocks
A group of the theory division at MPIK identified a slingshotlike electron injection process in preturbulent relativistic plasma shocks distinct from…
Towards the next-generation atomic clock
Joint experimental-theoretical study at MPIK identifies a metastable state in highly charged lead