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11The Electron Mass and Calcium Isotope Shifts High-Precision Measurements of Bound-Electron g-Factors of Highly Charged Ions Introduction

F. Köhler-Langes
Springer Theses-Recognizing Outstanding PhD Research (2017)

10 Precise Tests of Fundamental Symmetries with Trapped Ions

S. Ulmer, K. Blaum, and W. Quint
Trapped Charged Particles : A Graduate Textbook with Problems and Solutions Advanced Textbooks in Physics, 335-376 (2016)

9The Magnetic Moments of the Proton and the Antiproton

S. Ulmer and C. Smorra

8Die Quantenelektrodynamik auf den Prüfstand gestellt

S. Sturm, K. Blaum, Z. Harman, C. H. Keitel, F. Köhler, A. Wagner, and J. Zatorski
Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, 4358343 (2013)

7 Approach to Ultralow Ion-Beam Temperatures by Beam Cooling

A. Noda, M. Grieser, and T. Shirai

6Atome auf die Waage gestellt - Präzisionsmassenmessungen an Radionukliden in der Penningfalle

K. Blaum, S. George, and L. Schweikhard
Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften 2009 (2010)

5 Highly-charged ions and high-resolution mass spectrometry in a Penning trap

S. Nagy, K. Blaum, and R. Schuch

4Experimental Test of Time Dilation by Laser Spectroscopy on Fast Ions

G. Saathoff, G. Huber, S. Karpuk, C. Novotny, S. Reinhardt, D. Schwalm, A. Wolf, and G. Gwinner

3 Multiparticle Imaging of Fast Molecular Ion Beams

D. Zajfman, S. Krohn, M. Lange, H. Kreckel, L. Lammich, D. Strasser, D. Schwalm, X. Urbain, and A. Wolf

2 Fragment Imaging Studies of Dissociative Recombination

A. Wolf, D. Schwalm, and D. Zajfman

1 Coulomb-Explosion Imaging Studies of Molecular Relaxation and Rearrangement

R. Wester, D. Schwalm, A. Wolf, and D. Zajfman