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Diploma / Master

32Radiative Corrections to Nonlinear Compton Scattering

A. Hosak
Master (2024)

31Shaping waveform of X-ray Mössbauer scattering into short pulses

J. Lee
Master (2023)

30Quasiclassical representation of the Volkov states and radiative corrections for the nonlinear Compton scattering

F. Fronimos Pouliasis
Master (2022)

29Inverse design of artificial few-level schemes with Mössbauer nuclei in thin-film cavities

O. Diekmann
Master (2021)

28The mass shift and the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron in an intense plane wave field

T. Pătuleanu
Master (2021)

27Temporal phase and polarization interferometry at x-ray energies : Reconstruction of phase-related observables and temporal pulse shaping

M. Gerharz
Master (2021)

26Arbitrary phase control of X-ray pulses with zeptosecond phase stability

P. van den Heuvel
Master (2021)

25On the High-Energy Behaviour of Stong-Field QED in an Intense Plane Wave

T. Podszus
Master (2019)

24Measuring the energy spectra of unknown samples using coherent control of the complex phase of X-rays

B. Herkommer
Master (2019)

23Practical Criterion for Single-Photon Entanglement at X-Ray Energies

F. Lauble
Master (2017)

22Nuclear reactions in astrophysical plasmas

H. Gan
Master (2017)

21Precision Physics of the Bound Electron g-factor

N. Michel
Master (2015)

20Time Domain Control of X-Ray Quantum Dynamics

P. Reiser
Master (2014)

19The Lanczos Algorithm in Relativistic Quantum Dynamics

R. Beerwerth
Master (2014)

18Dissipative Dynamics in Many-Body Rydberg Systems

D. W. Schönleber
Master (2013)

17Temporal dynamics of stimulated emission

A. Reichegger
Master (2013)

16Peak intensity measurement of strong laser pulses using nonlinear Thomson scattering

O. Har-Shemesh and A. Di Piazza
Master (2012)

15Optical Control of X-Ray Lasing

G. Darvasi
Diploma (2011)

14Models for correlated Rydberg gases

K. P. Heeg
Diploma (2011)

13Generation of Correlated Photon Pairs in a Quantum System with Broken Inversion Symmetry

F. Oster
Diploma (2011)

12Nichtlokale Anfangszustände und Korrelationen beim Anregungstransport im FMO Komplex

D. Wörner and J. Evers
Diploma (2011)

11 Radiative corrections to electron states in intense laser fields

S. Meuren and C. H. Keitel
Diploma (2010)

10Elektron–Positron–Paarerzeugung durch Multiphotonen–Absorption im Stoß eines relativistischen Myons mit einem hochfrequenten Laserstrahl

S. Müller and C. H. Keitel
Diploma (2009)

9Spin-Eff ekte bei der Multiphotonen-Paarerzeugung

T. Müller and C. H. Keitel
Diploma (2009)

8Multiphoton COMPTON scattering in ultra-short laser pulses

K. F. Mackenroth
Diploma (2009)

7 High-order harmonic generation in a circularly polarized standing laser wave

M. Kohler
Diploma (2008)

6Gebunden-freie Paarerzeugung in kombinierten Laser- und Coulombfeldern

C. C. Deneke
Diploma (2008)

5 Vacuum-induced intra- and interatomic couplings in collective quantum systems

S. I. Schmid
Diploma (2008)

4Negative Refraction in Atomic Two-Component Media

B. Jungnitsch
Diploma (2008)

3Lossless Negative Refraction in Dense Atomic Gases

P. P. Orth
Diploma (2007)

2Höhere QED-Bindungs-Korrekturen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Selbstenergie

B. J. W. Wundt
Diploma (2007)

1Bremsstrahlung in a Circularly Polarized Laser Field

S. Schnez
Diploma (2006)