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Matteo Tamburini
address    Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK)
Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics
Saupfercheckweg 1
69117 Heidelberg
email matteo.tamburini@mpi-hd.mpg.de
phone + 49 (0)6221 516-161
office BO349

Education History

Jan. 2008
Nov. 2011

Ph.D. in Physics, University of Pisa, Italy. Thesis title: “Radiation Reaction Effects in Superintense Laser-Plasma Interaction”. Supervision by Prof. Dr. F. Pegoraro and Dr. A. Macchi.

Dec. 2010

Course on “Standard formats for scientific data (HDF5, XML, …)”, CINECA supercomputing facility, Bologna, Italy.

Jul. 2010

School on parallel computing. Topics: parallel architectures, models of parallel programming, parallel algorithms, programming environments, code optimization techniques, practice on CINECA High Performance Computing (HPC) systems. CINECA supercomputing facility, Bologna, Italy.

Oct. 2003
May 2007

M.Sc. in Physics, University of Pisa, Italy (110/110 cum laude). Thesis title: “A Minimal Model for Dark Matter. New Multiplet of Elementary Particles with Electroweak Gauge Coupling”. Supervision by Prof. Dr. A. Strumia.

Oct. 1998 - Oct. 2003

B.Sc. in Physics, University of Pisa, Italy (110/110). Thesis title: “Bose-Einstein Condensation of Alkaline Atoms in Different Geometries”. Supervision by Prof. Dr. E. Arimondo.

Employment History

Dec. 2022

Group Leader. Group “Extreme Field Quantum Plasma Dynamics and Relativistic Laboratory Astrophysics”, Theory Division of the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK) led by Hon.-Prof. Dr. C. H. Keitel, Heidelberg, Germany.

May 2018

Lecturer, International Max Planck Research School in Quantum Dynamics (IMPRS-QD), Heidelberg, Germany.

Nov. 2016
Dec. 2022

Team leader. Team Quantumplasma, Theory Division of the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK) led by Hon.-Prof. Dr. C. H. Keitel, Heidelberg, Germany.

Nov. 2011
Nov. 2016

Postdoctoral Researcher. Theory Division of the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK) led by Hon.-Prof. Dr. C. H. Keitel, Heidelberg, Germany.

Feb. 2011
Aug. 2011

Research Fellowship. Istituto Nazionale di Ottica (INO, National Institute of Optics), Pisa, Italy. Title of the research project: “Theory and Particle-In-Cell simulation of ion acceleration in the extreme intensity regime”.

Jul. 2010
Jul. 2011

Scientific staff. Italian SuperComputing Resource Allocation (ISCRA), class A supercomputing project “Towards Full-Scale Simulations of Laser-Plasma Interaction Experiments” (TOFUSEX). Project led by Dr. A. Macchi. Simulations carried out at CINECA supercomputing facility, Bologna, Italy.

Successful Proposals and Funding


Principal investigator. Experiment title: “Near-field-CTR-based self-focusing in beam-multifoil collisions: towards solid-density beams, extremely-dense gamma-ray pulses and laserless SFQED” (E-332 experiment, FACET-II, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA).

Motivated by theoretical findings with me as corresponding and last author (Physical Review Letters 126, 064801 (2021)), an experiment for the investigation of electron beam self-focusing, solid-density gamma-ray burst generation, and laserless strong-field QED was devised and successfully approved with maximal rating.


Supervisor of electron spin dynamics modeling and simulations. Experiment title: “Polarized Laser-Wakefield-Accelerated Kiloampere Electron Beam” (DESY, Hamburg, Germany). Funding achieved with Dr. K. Poder as principal investigator.

Motivated by theoretical findings with me as corresponding and lead author (Physical Review Letters 122, 214801 (2019)), an experiment aiming at the generation of kA polarized electron beams in laser-plasma wakefield acceleration was devised and successfully approved.


Member of proposal with responsability for modeling strong-field QED effects beyond the locally constant field approximation in electron beam-laser pulse collision. Experiment title: “Definitive Measurement of Quantum Radiation Reaction in the Collision of an Intense Laser-Pulse with a High-Energy Electron Beam” (Gemini laser at Central Laser Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK). Funding achieved with Dr. S. P. D. Mangles as principal investigator.

Motivated by the need to validate theoretical models of strong-field QED effects. This includes our numerical scheme to incorporate strong-field QED processes beyond the locally constant field approximation in arbitrary background fields (Physical Review A 99, 022125 (2019) and Physical Review A 98, 012134 (2018)).


Secured funding for a 4-year combined Fast Track Master and Ph.D. scholarship for my student Mr. Michael Quin from the International Max Planck Research School for Quantum Dynamics in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IMPRS-QD), Heidelberg, Germany.


Member of proposal and responsible for supervising the modeling and investigation with particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations of dense electron beam-solid interaction. Experiment title: “Beam Filamentation and Bright Gamma-Ray Bursts” (E-305 experiment, FACET-II, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA). Funding achieved with Prof. Dr. S. Corde as principal investigator.

Motivated by theoretical findings with me as corresponding and lead author (Nature Photonics 12, 319-323 (2018)), an experiment for the investigation of filamentation instability accompanied by bright gamma-ray burst emission was devised and successfully approved with maximal rating.


Member of prosal, with responsability for modeling and for investigating strong-field QED effects beyond the locally constant field approximation in electron beam-laser pulse collision. Experiment title: “Probing Strong-field QED at FACET-II” (E-320 experiment, FACET-II, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA). Funding achieved with Dr. S. Meuren as principal investigator.

Motivated by the need to validate theoretical models of strong-field QED effects. This includes our numerical scheme to incorporate strong-field QED processes beyond the locally constant field approximation in arbitrary background fields (Physical Review A 99, 022125 (2019) and Physical Review A 98, 012134 (2018)).


Contributed to successful proposal as theory leader, responsible of simulation, analysis and interpretation of radiation reaction effects in electron beam-laser interaction. Experiment on “Experimental Signatures of the Quantum Nature of Radiation Reaction in the Field of an Ultraintense Laser”. Published in Physical Review X 8, 031004 (2018) with me as first theory author. Funding achieved with Prof. Dr. M. Zepf as principal investigator.

Jun. 2011
Jul. 2011

Principal investigator. HPC-EUROPA2 project (Pan-European Research infrastructure on High Performance Computing for 21st century Science, project number: 228398) funded by the European Commission-Capacities Area-Research Infrastructures. Project title: “UMKA Upgrade. Improving Parallel I/O and Scalability in a Multi-Dimensional Particle-in-Cell Code”. Carried out at University of Rostock, Germany (hosted by Prof. Dr. D. Bauer).

Community Service


Oct. 2019 – present

Seminar Theoretical Quantum Dynamics (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg).

Reviewer for international scientific journals

Physical Review Letters, Nature Physics, New Journal of Physics, Physical Review Research, Physical Review A, Physical Review E, The European Physical Journal Plus, The European Physical Journal D, AIP Advances, Communications Physics, Journal of Plasma Physics, Physics of Plasmas, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Scientific Reports, Physics Letters A, High Power Laser Science and Engineering, Laser and Particle Beams, Matter and Radiation at Extremes

IOP trusted reviewer for the exceptionally high level of peer review competency.

Reviewer for scientific funding bodies

Foundation for the Advancement of Theoretical Physics and Mathematics “BASIS”, Russian Federation.

Publications in MPIK

Google Scholar
23Challenging beyond-the-standard-model solutions to the fine-structure anomaly in heavy muonic atoms

K. A. Beyer, I. A. Valuev, C. H. Keitel, M. Tamburini, and N. S. Oreshkina
Physics Letters B 854, 138746 (2024)

22Polarized QED cascades over pulsar polar caps

H. Song and M. Tamburini
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 530, 2087-2095 (2024)

21Spin-polarized electron beam generation in the colliding-pulse injection scheme

Z. Gong, M. J. Quin, S. Bohlen, C. H. Keitel, K. Põder, and M. Tamburini
Matter and radiation at extremes 8, 064005 (2023)

20Colliding pulse injection of polarized electron bunches in a laser-plasma accelerator

S. Bohlen, Z. Gong, M. J. Quin, M. Tamburini, and K. Põder
Physical Review Research 5, 033205 (2023)

19SFQEDtoolkit: A high-performance library for the accurate modeling of strong-field QED processes in PIC and Monte Carlo codes

S. Montefiori and M. Tamburini
Computer Physics Communications 292, 108855 (2023)

18Strong signature of one-loop self-energy in polarization resolved nonlinear Compton scattering

Y. Li, Y. Chen, K. Z. Hatsagortsyan, A. Di Piazza, M. Tamburini, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review D 107, 116020 (2023)

17Probing strong-field QED in beam-plasma collisions

A. Matheron, P. San Miguel Claveria, R. Ariniello, H. Ekerfelt, F. Fiuza, S. Gessner, M. F. Gilljohann, M. J. Hogan, C. H. Keitel, A. Knetsch, M. Litos, Y. Mankovska, S. Montefiori, Z. Nie, B. O'Shea, J. R. Peterson, D. Storey, Y. Wu, X. Xu, V. Zakharova, X. Davoine, L. Gremillet, M. Tamburini, and S. Corde
Communications Physics 6, 141 (2023)

16Spatiotemporal dynamics of ultrarelativistic beam-plasma instabilities

P. S. M. Claveria, X. Davoine, J. R. Peterson, M. Gilljohann, I. Andriyash, R. Ariniello, C. Clarke, H. Ekerfelt, C. Emma, J. Faure, S. Gessner, M. J. Hogan, C. Joshi, C. H. Keitel, A. Knetsch, O. Kononenko, M. Litos, Y. Mankovska, K. Marsh, A. Matheron, Z. Nie, B. O'Shea, D. Storey, N. Vafaei-Najafabadi, Y. Wu, X. Xu, J. Yan, C. Zhang, M. Tamburini, F. Fiuza, L. Gremillet, and S. Corde
Physical Review Research 4, 023085 (2022)

15Single particle detection system for strong-field QED experiments

F. C. Salgado, N. Cavanagh, M. Tamburini, D. W. Storey, R. Beyer, P. H. Bucksbaum, Z. Chen, A. Di Piazza, E. Gerstmayr, Harsh, E. Isele, A. R. Junghans, C. H. Keitel, S. Kuschel, C. F. Nielsen, D. A. Reis, C. Roedel, G. Sarri, A. Seidel, C. Schneider, U. I. Uggerhøj, J. Wulff, V. Yakimenko, C. Zepter, S. Meuren, and M. Zepf
New Journal of Physics 24, 015002 (2021)

14Observing light-by-light scattering in vacuum with an asymmetric photon collider

M. Sangal, C. H. Keitel, and M. Tamburini
Physical Review D 104, L111101 (2021)

13Efficient high-energy photon production in the supercritical QED regime

M. Tamburini and S. Meuren
Physical Review D 104, L091903 (2021)

12Extremely Dense Gamma-Ray Pulses in Electron Beam-Multifoil Collisions

A. Sampath, X. Davoine, S. Corde, L. Gremillet, M. Gilljohann, M. Sangal, C. H. Keitel, R. Ariniello, J. Cary, H. Ekerfelt, C. Emma, F. Fiuza, H. Fujii, M. Hogan, C. Joshi, A. Knetsch, O. Kononenko, V. Lee, M. Litos, K. Marsh, Z. Nie, B. O'Shea, J. R. Peterson, P. S. M. Claveria, D. Storey, Y. Wu, X. Xu, C. Zhang, and M. Tamburini
Physical Review Letters 126, 064801 (2021)
 MPIK press release: How to make a gamma-ray pulse with the density of a solid
 MPIK-Pressemitteilung: Wie man einen Gammastrahlenpuls mit der Dichte eines Festkörpers erzeugen kann

11Testing Strong Field QED Close to the Fully Nonperturbative Regime Using Aligned Crystals

A. Di Piazza, T. N. Wistisen, M. Tamburini, and U. I. Uggerhøj
Physical Review Letters 124, 044801 (2020)

10Polarized Laser-WakeField-Accelerated Kiloampere Electron Beams

M. Wen, M. Tamburini, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review Letters 122, 214801 (2019)
 MPIK-Pressemitteilung: Laserblitze für polarisierte Elektronen- und Positronenstrahlen
 pro-physik.de: Polarisationstransfer via Laserpuls
 physik.cosmos-indirekt.de: Laserblitze für polarisierte Elektronen- und Positronenstrahlen
 chemie.de: Laserblitze für polarisierte Elektronen- und Positronenstrahlen

9Improved local-constant-field approximation for strong-field QED codes

A. Di Piazza, M. Tamburini, S. Meuren, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review A 99, 022125 (2019)

8Towards realistic simulations of QED cascades: Non-ideal laser and electron seeding effects

A. Sampath and M. Tamburini
Physics of Plasmas 25, 083104 (2018)

7Implementing nonlinear Compton scattering beyond the local-constant-field approximation

A. Di Piazza, M. Tamburini, S. Meuren, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review A 98, 012134 (2018)

6Experimental Signatures of the Quantum Nature of Radiation Reaction in the Field of an Ultraintense Laser

K. Poder, M. Tamburini, G. Sarri, A. Di Piazza, S. Kuschel, C. D. Baird, K. Behm, S. Bohlen, J. M. Cole, D. J. Corvan, M. Duff, E. Gerstmayr, C. H. Keitel, K. Krushelnick, S. P. D. Mangles, P. McKenna, C. D. Murphy, Z. Najmudin, C. P. Ridgers, G. M. Samarin, D. R. Symes, A. G. R. Thomas, J. Warwick, and M. Zepf
Physical Review X 8, 031004 (2018)
 MPIK-Pressemitteilung: Intensives Licht verlangsamt hochenergetische Elektronen

5Giant collimated gamma-ray flashes

A. Benedetti, M. Tamburini, and C. H. Keitel
Nature Photonics 12, 319-323 (2018)
 Nature News & Views: Instability yields bright gamma emission
 MPIK-Pressemitteilung: Gammastrahlungsblitze aus Plasmafäden
 idw-Pressemitteilung: Gammastrahlungsblitze aus Plasmafäden
 physik.cosmos-indirekt.de: Gammastrahlungsblitze aus Plasmafäden

4Laser-pulse-shape control of seeded QED cascades

M. Tamburini, A. Di Piazza, and C. H. Keitel
Scientific Reports 7, 5694 (2017)

3Plasma-Based Generation and Control of a Single Few-Cycle High-Energy Ultrahigh-Intensity Laser Pulse

M. Tamburini, A. Di Piazza, T. V. Liseykina, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review Letters 113, 025005 (2014)

2Electron dynamics controlled via self-interaction

M. Tamburini, C. H. Keitel, and A. Di Piazza
Physical Review E 89, 021201 (2014)

1Radiation reaction effects on electron nonlinear dynamics and ion acceleration in laser-solid interaction

M. Tamburini, F. Pegoraro, A. Di Piazza, C. H. Keitel, T. V. Liseykina, and A. Macchi
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 653, 181-185 (2011)

Other Publications

  1. “Radiation-pressure-dominant acceleration: Polarization and radiation reaction effects and energy increase in three-dimensional simulations”, M. Tamburini, T. V. Liseykina, F. Pegoraro, A. Macchi, Physical Review E 85, 016407 (2012).

  2. “Radiation reaction effects on radiation pressure acceleration”, M. Tamburini, F. Pegoraro, A. Di Piazza, C. H. Keitel, A. Macchi, New Journal of Physics 12, 123005 (2010).

  3. “Cosmology and astrophysics of minimal dark matter”, Marco Cirelli, Alessandro Strumia, Matteo Tamburini (alphabetical author order), Nuclear Physics B 787, 152-175 (2007).